Tops videos

Fire Emblem Cipher :: Unboxing :: Booster Set 3: Twin Swords of Hope

Today we're opening a booster box from set 3, Twin Swords of Hope! This set is comprised of characters from ...

Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance - Megagrey's Gaming Theatre

Decided to embrace my long-dormant Nintendo fanboy side, delving into what lost gems the GameCube still has to offer. So ...

Fire Emblem Path Of Radiance gameplay Dolphin 5 gamecube emulator on Android smartphone/30FPS

Support TechUtopia by buying products with our links ↓↓BELOW↓↓ BUY on Gearbest OnePlus 3T- BUY on Banggood OnePlus 3T- Review OnePlus 3T watch ...

Tops VODs

Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance - Any% Speedrun World Record In 2:37 (Single Segment RTA)

Could of been better but still should of been much worse. Only got WR because pretty dang decent RNG

Path of Radiance NM in 2:22:25

Still lots of mistakes. Aiming for a low and if possible sub 2:10

Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance Speed Run - 1:57:08

Vantage Route saving 25 seconds, and no chapter 25 screwing me over! Better execution than before. Dumb route mistake in ...