Tops videos

Elder Scrolls Mobile!! Elder Scrolls Blades talk!

Some day soon Elder Scrolls will return to our mobile devices!! I wanted top show where Elder Scrolls Travels came ...

How to become a Elder Scrolls Blades & TES Legends YT/Streamer right from the palm ...

With theses and any free screen streaming/recorder app you can start streaming good sounding and looking TESLegends today :-) Amazon affiliate: ...

The Elder Scrolls: Blades Gameplay | QuakeCon 2018

We got a chance to play the upcoming free to play mobile game set in the Elder Scrolls universe at ...

Skyrim In Your Pocket or Mobile Trash? - Elder Scrolls Blades Impressions

At Quakecon 2018 Bethesda let me go behind closed doors and play through a demo of Elder Scrolls Blades and ...

Elder Scrolls: Blades HANDS ON - An Odd Yet Possibly Addicting Direction

This mobile take of Elder Scrolls is looking like another addicting foray for Bethesda Game Studios' mobile department. Previous Video: Patreon: ...